Nidhi Vichare
19 minute read
March 12, 2023
Dserialization formats
Distributed systems
Big Data

AVRO vs JSON Credit: Unsplash

Data Serialization Formats

Data serialization is the process of converting data objects or structures into a format that can be transmitted over a network or stored in a file. The serialized data can be deserialized (or reconstructed) at a later time and used by an application. There are several data serialization formats available, including:

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and can be easily parsed by machines.

XML (Extensible Markup Language): A markup language that is used for storing and exchanging data on the web. XML is similar to HTML but is designed to describe data rather than to display it.

Protocol Buffers: A language-agnostic binary serialization format developed by Google that is designed to be fast, compact, and extensible.

Apache Avro: A data serialization system that is designed to be compact, efficient, and cross-platform. Avro uses a schema to define the structure of the serialized data.

MessagePac: A binary serialization format that is designed to be fast and efficient. MessagePack is similar to JSON in its structure but is optimized for performance.

BSON (Binary JSON): A binary serialization format that is similar to JSON but designed to be more efficient for data storage and retrieval.

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language): A human-readable data serialization format that is designed to be easy to read and write. YAML is often used for configuration files.

ORC (Optimized Row Columnar): A data serialization format that is optimized for storing and processing large datasets in Hadoop-based systems. It was developed by the Apache Hadoop community as an alternative to other serialization formats like Avro and Parquet, and is designed to improve the performance of data storage and processing in Hadoop-based systems. ORC is a columnar file format that uses compression algorithms to reduce storage and I/O costs. It supports complex data types such as structs, arrays, and maps and enables efficient predicate pushdown and column pruning for faster query execution.

Each serialization format has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of format depends on the specific requirements of the application. Some factors to consider include performance, space efficiency, language support, interoperability, and ease of use.

AVRO and JSON Data Serialization Formats

Avro and JSON are both popular data serialization formats used in distributed computing systems. However, they differ in several aspects:

Schema definition Has a schema definition language that enables schema evolution Has no formal schema definition language
Data size Typically produces smaller data sizes as schema information is included within serialized data Data size can be larger as schema information is not included
Performance Typically faster in serialization and deserialization due to binary encoding and included schema information Can be slower in serialization and deserialization due to text-based encoding and lack of schema information
Tooling support Tooling support is narrower than JSON Widely supported with a range of tooling
Compatibility Changes to schema can be made without breaking compatibility with existing data Changes to schema may break compatibility with existing data
Type support Supports complex data types such as records, enums, and unions Supports basic data types such as strings, numbers, and booleans
Data validation Includes validation checks based on schema during serialization and deserialization No validation checks are performed during serialization and deserialization
Binary format Encoded in a compact binary format Encoded in a human-readable text format

Schema: Avro has a schema definition language that enables schema evolution and allows for changes to be made to the schema without breaking compatibility with existing data. JSON, on the other hand, has no formal schema definition language, which can make it difficult to ensure data integrity.

Data size: Avro typically produces smaller data sizes than JSON because it includes the schema information within the serialized data, allowing for more efficient encoding and decoding.

Performance: Avro is typically faster than JSON in serialization and deserialization, as it includes schema information and uses a binary encoding format. JSON, on the other hand, uses a text-based encoding format that can be slower.

Tooling: JSON has a wider range of tooling support than Avro, as it is a more widely used and accepted format.

In summary, if you require a more efficient and flexible data serialization format that can handle schema evolution, Avro may be the better choice. If you need a more widely supported and simpler format, JSON may be a better option.

Use cases for AVRO:

Big data processing systems such as Hadoop and Spark, where efficient serialization and deserialization of large amounts of data is required. Microservices architectures, where the ability to evolve schemas and ensure backward compatibility is important. Systems with complex data types that require a formal schema definition language. Distributed systems where data size and network performance are critical factors.

Use cases for JSON:

Web APIs and client-server communication, where human readability is important. Front-end development, where JSON is a widely used format for transferring data between client and server. Small to medium-sized applications that do not require complex data types or schema evolution. Data exchange between different programming languages and systems that do not have Avro support. Note that these are just examples, and the choice of serialization format depends on the specific needs of your system.

Is schema registry a requirement for AVRO?

A schema registry is not strictly required to use Avro, but it can be very useful in certain scenarios. A schema registry is a service that centralizes and manages Avro schema definitions, allowing clients to look up and retrieve the latest schema version for a given data type.

The primary benefit of using a schema registry is that it allows for schema evolution in a distributed system. Without a registry, each system or service would need to maintain its own copy of the schema, making it difficult to ensure consistency and compatibility across the system. With a schema registry, each system can reference the latest schema version, ensuring that all data is serialized and deserialized consistently.

In addition, a schema registry can provide versioning and history tracking for schema changes, which can be helpful for debugging and auditing purposes.

Overall, while a schema registry is not strictly necessary to use Avro, it can greatly simplify the management and evolution of schemas in a distributed system.

Tools available for reading AVRO data

  1. Apache Avro Tools: This is a set of command-line tools provided by the Apache Avro project. The tools include avrocat, avropipe, avro-tools, avro-idl, avro-compiler, and avro-maven-plugin, which can be used for various tasks such as reading Avro files, generating code from schema files, and validating schema files.

  2. Apache Spark: Spark is a popular big data processing framework that includes support for reading and writing Avro data. It provides a Spark-Avro library that can be used to read and write Avro data using Spark's DataFrame API.

  3. Apache Kafka: Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that includes support for Avro data serialization and deserialization. It provides a Kafka Avro Serializer and Deserializer that can be used to read and write Avro data from Kafka topics.

  4. Confluent Platform: Confluent Platform is a distribution of Apache Kafka that includes additional features such as a schema registry and a set of connectors for integrating with other systems. It includes a schema registry that can be used to manage Avro schemas and provides a set of tools for reading and writing Avro data.

  5. Various programming language libraries: There are also Avro libraries available for several programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, and Go, that can be used to read and write Avro data.

Overall, there are several tools available for reading Avro data, ranging from command-line tools to libraries and frameworks. The choice of tool depends on the specific use case and requirements of your system.

An example of Kafka AVRO Serializer and Deserializer

an example of using the Kafka Avro Serializer and Deserializer to read and write Avro data from Kafka topics in Java:

Assuming you have a schema defined for your data in Avro format, you can create a Producer and a Consumer in Java that use the Kafka Avro Serializer and Deserializer respectively to read and write Avro data from Kafka topics.


Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
props.setProperty("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");
props.setProperty("value.serializer", "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer");
props.setProperty("schema.registry.url", "http://localhost:8081");

Producer<String, MyData> producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);

MyData data = new MyData("example", 1234);
ProducerRecord<String, MyData> record = new ProducerRecord<>("my-topic", data);



Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
props.setProperty("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
props.setProperty("value.deserializer", "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer");
props.setProperty("schema.registry.url", "http://localhost:8081");
props.setProperty("specific.avro.reader", "true"); // use specific Avro class instead of GenericRecord

Consumer<String, MyData> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(props);

while (true) {
    ConsumerRecords<String, MyData> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
    for (ConsumerRecord<String, MyData> record : records) {
        MyData data = record.value();
        System.out.println("Received data: " + data);


In this example, we're using the Confluent Kafka Avro Serializer and Deserializer, which requires the URL of the schema registry to be specified in the producer and consumer properties. We're also specifying the class of the Avro data using the specific.avro.reader property in the consumer properties, which allows us to directly deserialize the Avro data into the specific Java class instead of a generic record.

When running this code, the producer sends a message containing the Avro data to the Kafka topic "my-topic". The consumer subscribes to the same topic and prints out any received data. The Kafka Avro Deserializer is used to deserialize the Avro data back into a Java object.

How can we create AVRO records from snowflake table?

To create Avro records from a Snowflake table, you can use Snowflake's COPY command to export the table data in Avro format to a cloud storage service such as AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage.

Here's an example of using Snowflake's COPY command to export a table to Avro format and then download the resulting Avro file:

First, you need to create a stage in Snowflake that points to your cloud storage service. Here's an example of creating a stage for AWS S3:

CREATE STAGE my_s3_stage
  URL = 's3://my-bucket/my-path'

Next, you can use the COPY command to export the table data in Avro format to the stage. Here's an example of copying a table to Avro format:

COPY INTO @my_s3_stage/my-table.avro
  FROM my_table
    TYPE = 'AVRO'

This command exports the data from the "my_table" Snowflake table in Avro format to the specified stage. The resulting Avro file will be stored in the specified location in your cloud storage service.

Finally, you can download the Avro file from your cloud storage service and use it to read the Avro records. Here's an example of downloading the Avro file from S3 using the AWS CLI:

aws s3 cp s3://my-bucket/my-path/my-table.avro /path/to/my-table.avro

You can then use an Avro library in your preferred programming language to read the Avro records from the downloaded file.

Note that this example assumes that you have appropriate credentials and permissions to access the cloud storage service and the Snowflake table. The specific details of the COPY command and the stage creation may vary depending on your setup and requirements.

Integrate Kafka and Snowflake with Avro data, you can follow these steps

  1. Create an Avro schema for your data.

  2. Use a Kafka producer to send Avro messages to Kafka. The producer should use the Avro schema to serialize the data.

  3. Configure the Kafka Connect framework with the Confluent schema registry and the Snowflake sink connector. The schema registry will manage the Avro schemas and the sink connector will write data to Snowflake.

  4. Start the Kafka Connect framework and verify that data is being written to Snowflake.

  5. In Snowflake, create a table that matches the Avro schema.

  6. Query the data in Snowflake using SQL.

Note that to use Avro with Kafka and Snowflake, you'll need to ensure that the Avro schema is registered with the schema registry and that the Snowflake sink connector is configured to use the registry. This will allow the sink connector to map the Avro data to the appropriate columns in the Snowflake table.

Kafka to Snowflake Integration Using Snowflake Connect

Snowflake Connect is a data integration service offered by Snowflake that allows users to move data between Snowflake and external systems in real-time or batch mode. It provides native support for a wide range of data sources, including databases, cloud-based storage platforms, and SaaS applications, allowing for seamless data integration across different environments.

Snowflake Connect supports two types of connectors: inbound and outbound. Inbound connectors enable data to be ingested from external systems into Snowflake, while outbound connectors allow data to be extracted from Snowflake and sent to other systems.

Snowflake Connect provides several benefits, including:

  1. Real-time or batch data ingestion: Snowflake Connect supports both real-time and batch mode data ingestion, enabling users to choose the appropriate mode based on their use case.

  2. High-performance data transfer: Snowflake Connect uses optimized data transfer protocols to ensure fast and efficient data transfer between Snowflake and external systems.

  3. Support for multiple data sources: Snowflake Connect supports a wide range of data sources, including databases, cloud storage platforms, and SaaS applications, enabling users to integrate data from multiple sources.

  4. Seamless integration: Snowflake Connect provides seamless integration with Snowflake, allowing users to leverage the full power of Snowflake's data warehousing and analytics capabilities.

Overall, Snowflake Connect is a powerful data integration service that enables users to move data between Snowflake and external systems in a seamless and efficient manner.

Snowflake Connect Sink

Snowflake Connect Sink is a feature that enables Snowflake to push data to external systems, such as Apache Kafka and Amazon S3. With this feature, Snowflake can act as a data source for external systems, allowing for real-time data integration and streaming.

Using Snowflake Connect Sink, users can configure a Snowflake table or view to push data to an external system, specifying the necessary parameters such as the endpoint, topic, and credentials. Once configured, any changes to the data in the Snowflake table or view are automatically pushed to the external system.

Snowflake Connect Sink is a powerful feature that enables users to integrate their Snowflake data with other systems in real-time, providing near-instantaneous data synchronization and reducing the need for complex ETL processes.

Steps to use Snowflake Connect to get data from Kafka

Set up a Kafka cluster and create a topic where data will be produced.

Install and configure the Kafka Connect Sink plugin in Snowflake.

Create a Snowflake table to store the Kafka topic data.

Create a Kafka Connect Sink connector configuration file with the following parameters:

Kafka broker URL

Kafka topic name

Snowflake JDBC connection information

Snowflake table name

Start the Kafka Connect Sink service

Run the Kafka producer to produce data to the Kafka topic

Verify that the data has been successfully loaded into the Snowflake table

Here's an example Kafka Connect Sink connector configuration file:


In this example, the Snowflake Connect Sink plugin is used to consume data from the Kafka topic "my-topic" and load it into the Snowflake table "my-table". The Snowflake JDBC connection information is provided through the "snowflake.url", "snowflake.user", "snowflake.password", "snowflake.database", and "snowflake.schema" parameters.

Steps to create a PrivateLink connection between AWS Kafka and Snowflake

Create a VPC Endpoint for Kafka in AWS. This can be done by going to the Amazon VPC console and selecting "Endpoints" from the left-hand menu. Click "Create Endpoint" and follow the steps to create an endpoint for Kafka in your VPC.

Create a PrivateLink Interface Endpoint in AWS for Snowflake. This can be done by going to the Amazon VPC console and selecting "Endpoints" from the left-hand menu. Click "Create Endpoint" and follow the steps to create an endpoint for Snowflake in your VPC. You will need to select the "Interface" type and specify the network interface and security groups.

Obtain the IP address of the Snowflake endpoint. This can be done by going to the Snowflake console and navigating to the "Account" tab. Under the "Private Link" section, you will find the IP address of your Snowflake endpoint.

Whitelist the IP address of the Snowflake endpoint in your Kafka security group. This will allow traffic from Snowflake to flow through the PrivateLink connection to your Kafka cluster.

Configure Snowflake to use the PrivateLink connection. This can be done by creating a new Snowflake connection with the following parameters:

type: PrivateLink
account: <your Snowflake account name>
region: <the region where your VPC endpoint is located>
host: <the IP address of your Snowflake endpoint>
port: 443
user: <your Snowflake user name>
password: <your Snowflake password>

You can then use this connection to load data from Kafka into Snowflake using the Snowflake CONNECT extension.

Snowflake Kafka Connector setup steps

URL: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/kafka-connector-install

The Snowflake Kafka Connector allows you to integrate Snowflake with Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform. This integration enables streaming of real-time data into Snowflake, where it can be transformed, processed, and analyzed.

To use the Snowflake Kafka Connector, you first need to install and configure it. The installation process involves the following steps

  1. Setting up a Kafka cluster in your AWS environment, and ensuring that it is accessible from your Snowflake account.
  2. Setting up a Snowflake account, and ensuring that it is accessible from your Kafka cluster.
  3. Downloading and installing the Snowflake Kafka Connector package.
  4. Configuring the Kafka Connector properties file to specify the connection details for your Kafka cluster and Snowflake account.
  5. Starting the Kafka Connector service.
  6. Once the Kafka Connector is installed and running, you can use it to create a Kafka source or sink connector that enables data to flow between Kafka and 7. Snowflake. The specific steps for configuring a Kafka source or sink connector depend on your use case and the configuration settings you choose. However, some common steps include:

Creating a new connector in the Kafka Connect service

  1. Specifying the connector type (source or sink) and the topics or tables to be included.
  2. Configuring the connector properties, including connection details and data format.
  3. Starting the connector and verifying that data is flowing between Kafka and Snowflake.
  4. Overall, the Snowflake Kafka Connector provides a powerful and flexible way to integrate streaming data from Kafka into Snowflake, enabling real-time data analysis and processing.

Using Snowflake Connector for Kafka With Snowpipe Streaming

URL: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-load-snowpipe-streaming-kafka

The Snowflake platform provides an efficient way to load streaming data using a Kafka source. This process involves three main components: Kafka, a Kafka Connect Sink, and Snowflake.

First, the Kafka Connect Sink is installed to enable Snowflake to consume data from Kafka topics. This is done by setting up a Kafka Connector that specifies the location of the Kafka broker and the target location of the data in Snowflake.

Next, a Snowflake database and table are created to receive the streaming data. This is done by creating a Snowflake pipe and setting it up to point to the target table. Once the pipe is created, the data begins to flow from the Kafka topic to Snowflake.

Finally, the data can be queried and analyzed in Snowflake as it is loaded in real-time. The Snowflake platform provides a variety of tools and features to make this process efficient and scalable, such as automatic scaling and query optimization.

Overall, using Snowflake to load streaming data from Kafka provides a simple and efficient solution for analyzing and processing large volumes of real-time

In Summary

Avro and JSON are both popular data serialization formats used in distributed computing systems. However, they differ in several aspects such as data types, schema evolution, and performance. Avro is a binary format that is more compact and efficient than JSON, and is more suitable for use in distributed systems because it supports schema evolution and is language independent. JSON is a text-based format that is more human-readable than Avro and is supported by many programming languages and frameworks.

Kafka and Snowflake provide seamless integration for processing and storing Avro data. This allows for efficient and reliable data streaming from Kafka to Snowflake, enabling real-time analytics and data processing. Kappa architecture, an approach to building data processing systems that relies solely on stream processing, is commonly implemented using Kafka and Snowflake. It eliminates the batch layer and uses a single processing layer to handle both real-time and historical data.